Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Two in one day? I know. Awesome.

Today Teaven called me and he was crying, which rarely happens. Turns out, his mentor teacher basically told him he's going to be an awful teacher and would never recommend him for a job at the high school because he doesn't want to work with someone like Teaven. Can you believe that? This guy laid it into Teaven, but there is no way in heck that he deserves it. I am furious that someone would tear him down so much. I am frustrated that I couldn't be there to comfort him. I am hurting because he is hurt. It just makes me so mad that people can be beyond rude to another person. Teaven is already stressed enough about finding a job in the Killeen area. He doesn't need any more.

I know God will work everything out, and I know that Teaven knows that. I want Satan to get his sorry little butt out of our lives. He can try as hard as he wants to bring us down, but it won't work. With Christ by our side, I know Teaven can rise above this. I just pray he can make it through the rest of the semester without being wounded again.

Lift Teaven up. He's hurting.


I suppose it's time for a new update. Spring Break was so much fun. I loved spending time with my nieces and nephews. Unfortunately, Spring Break is over, and the school work has once again become overwhelming. I am very much looking forward to being finished with school.

I've been approached with an opportunity to babysit this summer. I'm not sure if I want to do it or not yet. I could still work at Olive Garden as well and make money to save for my wedding, but we'll see what happens.

I've been entangled in sin. I feel like a fish caught in a net. As much as I fight, I just can't seem to wiggle my way out. Everything has come to the surface lately, and I'm just so disgusted with myself. I think the net is tearing, and I can see a way out. Thankfully, our God remains faithful, even when I am faithless.

I don't really have much more to say at this point. I'm ready for consistent warm weather and playing outside all day.

-16 days until my birthday and camping
-24 days until engagement pictures!!!!
-41 days until my last final of the semester!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Tonight, I feel so free. I feel like a thousand-pound weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and I can just breathe. It's such an amazing feeling to know things are on the right path again.

I'm not going to write much because I need to go to sleep.

God has been with me every step. I'm in his hands. Always. Forever.

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." Psalm 139:9-10

Thanks for your prayers.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I don't even know what to say to describe everything that has happened this week. I feel so overwhelmed and exhausted. I've been hit physically, emotionally, mentally, and I'm close to the point where I just want to scream because I'm sick of it all.

I feel like an actual college student this week. The kind of college student that sits in Starbucks for hours working on homework and basically spends every moment studying for the next test. I know that's nothing to some people, but I'm exhausted. I know it will only continue through the next week, but I know God will give me the strength to persevere.

I've been hurt, and I'm not exactly sure how to handle it. I'm so frustrated and just want to relinquish all of my pent up emotions. I can't stop thinking, feeling. I just want to be held close and told I'm wonderful and beautiful... all the things I don't feel right now. I want tenderness and sensitivity.

Then, God gently whispers that I am beautiful and wonderful to him. His most precious creation. He loved me before I was born. My beauty can only be found in him, and I am searching. He is my everything. I feel so close and loved by him right now, and I don't want to lose that again. It happens so easily.

"My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare." Psalm 25:15

Sorry I'm such a Debbie downer this week.

In happier news, my countdown!
-6 days until Spring Break
-35 days until my birthday and camping!
-43 days until engagement pictures!
-60 days until I am a college senior