Thursday, February 25, 2010


This week has been... well, different.

First off, it snowed on Tuesday! That's the most snow I've seen in Texas in a while. It was so much fun to play with everyone. It seemed like all of UMHB came together and played outside. You see, on a normal day, you're walking by someone you don't usually talk to and you either say "hi" or you pretend like your looking at something else. This day, however, you're walking by someone and you throw snow at them! haha! It didn't matter who you were, where you were going. It was just one big party. I love that. Bethany, Abby, Josh, and I walked out to the conference center to go sledding on our cookie sheet. It was beautiful out there. I'm surprised I've never been.

Yesterday I found out that I failed a paper. I have NEVER failed a paper. I am so disappointed in myself. When things like this happen, I begin to doubt my abilities... doubt if this is really what God wants me to do. I mean, obviously, I suck at it right? I can't let myself do that because I know that's just Satan trying to get me down. I'm over it. I am confident that this is the path I am supposed to be taking. I just have to work a little harder. It won't happen again. ever.

I sat in RA interviews this week. It was so fun! It's amazing to see how far I've come since I sat in that chair being interviewed by a panel of RDs. I've learned so much, grown so much. I've become a different person, yet stayed the same. I know God has a great team for next semester. I am praying that we will be unified like no other. I know it'll be different. I know it will take some getting used to, but I'm excited for what God has in store.

Here's some things I'm counting down for:
-14 days til my Spring Break starts.
-43 days til my birthday and camping on the beach with my wonderful friends
-51 days til engagement pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!
-68 days til finals are over!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I suppose it is now time for an update on the past week since I can officially tell everyone. It's amazing to me how quickly God can change our plans. He answers hopes and dreams that we thought would never come true, and it always happens in a way that we don't expect. Exactly a week ago, I gave the entire Head RA position over to God completely. I hadn't been feeling very comfortable about it for a couple of weeks and even more so when I got the email that said I would have to live by myself in a new apartment. To some, that is extremely appealing, but I wasn't willing to compromise. Then, over the next day or two, I began praying about moving back to Burt and found that is what I really wanted. I felt a peace like no other, and I knew it could only be from God. It happened so quickly that I was left in shock at the sudden change of events. I am so happy to be going back. I am so excited about the group God has picked out for next semester.

I know I have a lot I need to work on. I know that the change from being an apartment RA to being in the dorms again won't come easy, but I'm willing to rise up to the challenge because I've no doubt in my mind that this is what God desires for my life. I don't regret coming out to the apartments. I have learned and grown so much in the past year, and I am thankful for every experience I have had here. I'm praying that God will humble me, and I will become the head RA he wants me to be. I've got a lot to learn in the next year, and I'm ready!

In other news, I've realized that I think my wedding planning will go pretty smoothly. I really can't wait for the day when I can get together with my bridesmaids and plan fun things. Mainly, because that means I will get to see my best friends, and I love the thought of that.

I feel like I just want to keep writing and writing, but nothing much has happened other than the RA stuff. I miss my friends a lot right now. It's getting harder in my apartment, but I really shouldn't talk about that.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I'm always exactly where God wants me to be. I may not understand it at the time I enter a situation, but it always becomes clear. I'm here, and that's just fine. I'm here, and he's with me.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I have lots I want to talk about, but I just don't have the time right now, especially since it's 1 am and there is still homework to be done.

Some facts of the day:

1) I have more homework than I realized
2) I missed seeing one of my best friends. :(
3) I hate homework.
4) I enjoy watching Teen Mom with my sister.
5) Teaven makes me laugh really hard.

Dear Brooke,
I'm sorry my professors are lame and assign so much work for me to do. I promise I will visit soon.

I'll update more later.