Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Love Never Fails

I know I just wrote a blog about 2 minutes ago, but this came to my mind.

Until recently, I had never experienced the hurt and pain caused from a failed marriage. It all began when I found out that my brother and sister-in-law, who I loved like a real sister, were getting a divorce. I remember being so angry and hurt that she would leave me and frustrated that they couldn't work things out. From there, I saw so many people giving up on their marriage. The world basically tells us to run when it gets too hard.

Then, the other day, I was watching Dr. Phil, and it was an episode titled, "My Mate Isn't Good Enough." I watched these people complain about how their significant other isn't attractive anymore or they are embarrassed to be seen with them in public. I kept thinking to myself that these people are so superficial. The sad thing is that people really think this way. Last week, we found out that Teaven's brother is getting a divorce. Apparently, his wife said she wasn't attracted to him anymore so that was enough reason to run out on a marriage. Then, this morning I heard this lady talking on the Today Show about a book she wrote about marriage. She said that most people would cheat on their spouse if no one found out. She continued to say that NO marriage will stay blissful, and only 60% of married couples say their marriage is semi-happy. What the heck?

With society the way it is, it's hard not to be a little scared about the future. I had my little freak out moment a couple of days ago where I realized that I am marrying Teaven and this is a true lifetime commitment. I won't have any privacy anymore. I won't be able to sneak a bowl of cereal before I go to bed without him knowing. I never want anything to hurt our marriage so bad that I feel like running. I know the honeymoon phase will end, and I know there are challenges to come. But I also know that we are going to defy the world's view of marriage. I never want to lose my passion and love for Teaven. People need to realize that marriage isn't just about attraction.

With Christ at the center, we will have a happy, blissful marriage. Come what may, my love will not waiver.

Crunch Time

I haven't been able to blog in quite some time because I don't have a computer with internet access anymore, and it's difficult to type a blog on my iPhone. Anyways, I felt the itch to do something about that today, so here I sit at the computer where I work.

18 days until I get married! It's so crazy to think that 2 weeks from now I will be preparing all the final touches for the wedding of my dreams. I am so happy that Teaven never let me settle when it came to wedding planning. I know that he may seem like a Bridezilla to some, but I know he is only doing it for me. He knows that I am too wussy to say what I really want for fear that we won't have the money. Thanks to him and our family, I know our wedding is going to be gorgeous. I seriously cannot wait.

It's funny to think that just last week I told myself the wedding was far enough away that I could put things off, and now I'm freaking out about getting everything done. There's so many little details that I always forget when creating my 5 billion lists.

A couple of days ago, Teaven and I were going through some old letters and pictures from our first years of dating and laughing so hard at how cheesy we were. I always wanted to sound perfect, and he wanted to impress me. To this day, it still amazes me how far we've come. I never thought I could love a person as much as I love him. He's going to camp next week, and that will be our last week apart for a VERY long time.

We are going to get our marriage license on Friday. He leaves on Sunday. Family and friends begin to arrive 2 weeks from today. I'm crazy excited.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hit Me with Your Best Shot

It hit me.
I am moving out of the country in 2 months. Do you realize how little time that is? Even though I'm counting down the days until my wedding and telling time that it's just not moving fast enough, when I think about moving in 2 months, it feels so close.
I won't be moving back to UMHB in August. I won't be going to RA training. I won't be taking tests; I'll be making them.
I'm a teacher now. I'm almost a wife.
There's a lot of change happening in my life recently, and I know the break down from it all is just around the corner.
It's not that I'm not excited.. just a little overwhelmed with the thought of it all.
In 34 days, I'm going to be living with a boy.
I am so excited about living with my best friend. I am so excited to be able to fall asleep next to him and not have to say goodbye anymore.
I can't believe it's this close, but I can't believe it's still so far away.
Then, just a month later, my best friend and I start the journey of a lifetime.
I'm going to miss my family, friends and Mexican food.
But I'm going to learn to like so many new things.
I feel so bipolar with my emotions right now.