Sunday, May 24, 2009


Where do I go from here?
How do I begin?
Why am I doing this?
Am I excited, truly passionate?
If not, where does my passion lie?
Can I find what I am looking for?
Am I really thinking or just worrying?
Am I doing this for me or because other people think I'm good at it?
Will I be happy?
Will I be able to do this forever?
Do I want to do this forever?
Why didn't I think about this before?
Can I do it?
Do I believe in myself?
Is this what I really want?
What do I really want?
What do you really want?
What am I not seeing?
Am I just too scared?
Will I be able to make this decision?

God, I can only do this with you by my side. Oh, God, please show me what to do. Help me to take away the blindfold and see what's really underneath.

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