I've been meaning to update for a while now, but I just haven't had the time to get around to it.
God has been teaching me so much lately. When I have more time, I'll write all about it. It all relates back to the insecurity issues as well as learning more about the Holy Spirit (thanks, Be Transformed!). Praise Jesus that his faithfulness and love are never ceasing, and he's always there to pick me up when I've fallen.
Thursday was Teaven and my engagiversary! I can't believe that it's already been a year since he proposed. That is such a sweet memory for me, and I can't wait to marry that boy. We're at less than 8 months now! Can you believe it? We're starting to really get into more planning, and I love how involved he is. Most guys hate everything that has to do with wedding planning, but Teaven wants to be involved and help me out as much as he can. He brought me flowers Thursday night while I sat on duty. This engagement has been so great. As much as I want it to go by quickly, I wouldn't trade this time for anything.

If we ever find the time in our schedules, Robyn, Brooke and I will be shopping for bridesmaids dresses next month. I'm so excited about it because I'll be able to spend time with two very dear friends.
Continuing the countdowns:
- 30 days til Thanksgiving break
- 45 days til my last final
- 195 days til graduation
- 237 days til my wedding!!
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