Thursday, March 10, 2011

Just keep me busy

When I get really excited about something, I can't sit still. I have to keep my brain, hands and body moving. I have to make sure that I am passing time as "quickly" as possible, or rather not thinking about every minute as it ticks by.

So, here I sit, anxious and excited for tomorrow afternoon when I hear the final bell ring, signaling my freedom for an entire week. A week already full of things to do, but the busyness doesn't bother me because I get to spend almost everyday with my fiance and family. Rest to me isn't necessarily sleeping all day long and doing nothing, even though that would be nice. Rest is being able to take my mind from the day-to-day things that constantly fill it like an over flowing water fountain. Rest is a break from my hectic, rigid schedule, a change of pace.

When I'm really excited about something, I also get very ADD. I don't even remember what I was typing before because somehow I ended up looking at old pictures from freshman and sophomore year. Strange.

So, to all of you who will be with me the week before my wedding and especially the day before, keep me busy! If I get this excited and ansy about Spring Break, I'll be 100 times worse come the week of June 18. But I so can't wait. Can. Not. Wait. Seriously.

Just keep me busy. :)

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